A downloadable game for Windows


This is a prototype for this idea, showcasing the extremely basic mechanics that would be included. The visuals are not all there. Or the writing. Or anything. Lol. Expect bugs (the cutscenes in particular may play out of order and play unexpected sound)!!!

This was made (admittedly very slowly) over the course of 20 weeks for independent study. This is the first game I've ever made in Unity and probably doesn't work that well. I'm really busy with other things at the moment so there's a pretty good chance that this may never get updated again.


Narrative 2D side scroller.

A repressed and bitter person dies and is resurrected as a demon. They want to find a way back to the human world to enact vengeance on those who wronged them. But on their way to the threshold, they start to explore parts of themself and connect with others in a way that they were not able to do in life... And perhaps wonders if revenge is the path they want to pursue.


I am not a programmer nor have I used Unity before this project. I learned a lot from these videos along with Unity's Scripting Reference Documentation:

Trever Mock - Unity Dialogue System

Coding in Flow - Build a 2D Platformer in Unity

Brackeys - Scene Transitions/Level Loader

Brackeys - Settings Menu


frankendemon-win.zip 47 MB
Version 1 Jun 06, 2023

Install instructions

Unzip and run the EXE file. 


- Arrow keys to move

- Z to interact

- X to exit dialogue

- C to cycle through powers (you are able to swap them but there's no reason to)

- ESC to pause

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